The Northern Coast

The Northern Coast
The Northern Coast--photo by Zack Thieman

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Estoy de acuerdo like you would not believe

I don't know who found this blog, or who from Peace Corps Peru started posting it on Facebook, but in the last day it has completely taken up my fb wall with people sharing it and saying things like, ¨This blog perfectly describes Peace Corps,¨ or ¨Might as well change 'Ethiopa' for 'Peru',¨ and so forth.

Well, I read it, and I couldn't agree more.

With my blog I try to give multiple perspectives of my time in service, not just the rainbows and kittens, and also not just the cynical depression. Sometimes there are so many mixed emotions within one moment that it is hard to truly express what it's like to be in Peace Corps.

But, this Michael guy serving in Ethiopa has quite eloquently, and hilariously, summed it all up.

I am both impressed and jealous of his way with words. He obviously did a good job if he captured an audience of volunteers in a country on the other side of the world.

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