The Northern Coast

The Northern Coast
The Northern Coast--photo by Zack Thieman

Sunday, May 6, 2012

El Barbón volverá

Justin officially bought his tickets to return to Perú and run the Pacasmayo Half-Marathon with me on July 1st!

I will have been in Perú just over one year when he arrives and it will be his second visit! I never expected to be so lucky.

In case you're wondering about the "barba" part of this equation (his beard), it is in fact still on his face, and longer than ever. Literally, the longest it has ever been.

A picture of Justin in Missoula, Montana this April at his last collegiate logging sports event.
And yes, that is in fact an award of Moose Drool beer for his beard.

My host dad is sharpening his scissors in anticipation.

1 comment:

  1. ~Amanda Marie~

    You have a handsome bearded friend.
    I think the beard would fight your host dad and win while Justin was sleeping. Plus those scissors would have to be made of special outer space metal to cut those whiskers. I heard that he doesn't even shave...rather pounds the whiskers back in with a hammer and bites them off on the inside!
    I wish you two well on your adventures during his second visit.
